Climate Laws.

Climate action laws from everywhere, for everyone.

A comprehensive online platform that simplifies access to the Climate Change Laws of the World database. With insights from over 170 nations' laws and policies, this intuitive tool makes it easy for policymakers, advocates, and the general public to navigate global climate commitments, identify policy gaps, and monitor adaptation progress.

Instant access to drive informed action.

Climate Laws.

Climate law knowledge to ensure best practices and accountability for a sustainable future.

Dive into the full text of over 5,000 laws, policies, litigations and UNFCCC submissions from every corner of the globe. Benefit from highlighted exact matches and related phrases for precise navigation. Plus, with documents translated into English from various languages, understanding and accessibility are universal.

Interconnected realities.

Laws and policies across sectors and regions reflect the intricate links between climate action and global challenges, emphasizing the urgent need for coordinated responses.

The power of climate commitments.

Legal frameworks serve as catalysts that can change behaviors, redirect industries, and reshape the course of action globally.

Equipping global legislators.

Providing legislators with comprehensive insights, data, and best practices to shape legislation that can accelerate climate action.

Developing Climate Change Laws of the World.

The brief.

the Environment, aspiring to provide a comprehensive database of global climate laws, policies, and litigation cases. The challenge posed was to simplify access to over 5,000 laws and hundreds of litigation cases, transforming complex legal data into a user-friendly resource that empowers global climate action.

Our role.

Working closely together with the Grantham Research Institute, we took a closer look at the data, reviewed the website’s usability, and discussed what action we wanted people to take after accessing the database. By understanding both the data and the intended outcomes, we could design a platform that provides context and increases the likelihood of the information being used to initiate and enforce the climate change adaptation policies that are urgently needed.

Delivered with impact.

Empowering legislation access.

One of our core goals was to transform a complex database of legislation and litigations into an accessible and user-friendly platform. We developed a backend system, a Content Management System (CMS), and an improved user interface (UI) that simplified the management and updating of the database, enhanced its navigability, and made it more visually appealing. Our work laid the foundation for new collaborations, garnered positive feedback from the client, and contributed to the global fight against climate change.

Soils Revealed.

Keeping carbon in the ground.

Want to make a difference together?

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