With knowledge comes responsibility

Ane Lizariturry

Business Development

Ane Lizariturry

Business Development

Ane serves as a key link between the Business Development (BD) team and the rest of Vizzuality by working with others to turn ideas into proposals and keeping the rest of the company up to date about BD’s progress. Previously, she honed her relationship building skills while working for various Italian NGOs. She assisted with donor relations, proposal writing for restorative justice projects in Latin America, and an educational project in India.

The desire to work with inspiring people from many different backgrounds has led this Spanish-Slovenian Business Development Explorer to learn five languages. They have come in handy during her endeavours to find business solutions to the pressing issues facing the planet and society. Ane loves to dance to techno music. She also makes sure to find downtime on sunny days to lie in a park and read a good book.