Technology is not an end, but a means to behaviour change

Francis Gassert

Strategy & Impact

Francis Gassert

Strategy & Impact

Francis designs solutions at the intersection of science, technology, and business. Whether the challenge is measuring and reducing your company’s environmental impacts or helping communities plan for climate change, Francis draws on his extensive experience to define the most appropriate solution.

Francis has worked on climate data and technology projects for organisations such as the World Resources Institute (WRI), World Bank, and National Geographic Society. The projects he’s been a part of include WRI's Aqueduct and Resource Watch initiatives, as well as the Partnership for Resilience and Preparedness. His research for New America has covered topics such as natural security and the impact of climate change on agriculture. Francis’ ability to understand complex systems and identify what action needs to be taken is exactly what we need to create the change that’s urgently needed to make our world sustainable and fair.

When he needs to relax, Francis loves nothing more than discovering, trying and cooking new food. A trip to China while in college opened his eyes to the diversity of cuisines and dishes, and ever since he’s been sampling what the world has to offer.