A better future tomorrow starts with small changes today

Simão Rodrigues


Simão Rodrigues


Simão’s front-end career led him along several freelancing gigs before he joined Restor, where his path first crossed with Vizzuality. In search of projects that instil a sense of pride in their participants, Simão enjoyed the collaboration and recognized Vizz as a great fit for himself. So he joined the team full-time. Simão has always had a knack for fixing things, whether it is in the digital realm via code or in the real analogue world. While his digital prowess may have helped him professionally, he frequently engages his home handyman side to challenge himself and reduce electronic waste. He is currently in the process of automating his entire home with help of a Raspberry Pi running Home Assistant. If this challenge turns out to be too undemanding, he’s already acquired a commercial espresso machine that needs repairing as a backup project.