There will never be a reasonable excuse for trying less than your best
Yulia is part of Vizzuality’s Back End team where she displays full Nodejs and Typescipt expertise. She designs and develops the code that allows Vizzuality’s applications to ingest, process, analyze and serve data smoothly for our projects. Yulia is no newcomer to the Spanish startup scene where she has provided tech and digital marketing services as a full stack developer to clients and projects that included the development of a back-office platform for a microfinance services company in Latin America.Also well-versed in supply chain consulting and purchasing responsibilities, the German-born Russian strives to work with inspiring professionals across functional areas to further tailor her skills and maximize her positive impact.When she is not busy or learning new things, you can find her tending to her dog, flowers, veggies, or her citrus tree. She loves exploring nature near her home in Barcelona, often found kayaking and snorkeling in Costa Brava.